Attending certification exams is one of the way to test our skills and to check whether we are moving in right direction towards understanding technology properly. I have taken CKA exam in December 2018 and passed it with 92%. Overall it was very good experience, it's not that tough if you are already working on kubernetes clusters. Major advantage of taking up CKA is we will be able to cover almost all kubernetes concepts, core components and features etc during preparation. Normally in day to day work, we do not get opportunity to cover everything. Experiences: As a first step, I have read CKA experiences in Internet, it certainly gave me an idea how to prepare and how exam pattern looks like. Sharing some of the links.
Earlier in this post, we have talked about TLS Working model and configuring it for application in kubernetes . Basically any HTTPS server open for client connections, will present a server certificate to client to verify against its trusted certificate authorities and if success, it does basic TLS handshake. Its more of a validating whether sever domain is authentic, using server certificate. What if there is a security requirement where client needs a valid certificate before it access server content, this is where mutual authentication fits in. Its basically establishing secure encrypted communication between two parties and authenticity of each party will be verified at other party end with presented certificate against certificate authority. The following diagram demonstrates steps involved in mutual authentication 1. Client requests sever for its content 2. Server replies back by presenting its server certificate 3. Server's identity will be tested by client using...